english bay hat.netnorth america Vancoolver beautiful walks english bay peace bloom bumble bee Direction Walk 0.05 km or 1 mins south west from last photo Info F 5.6 1/320 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT busy harvester using my old canon lens Direction Same location as last photo Info F 5.6 1/320 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT depth of purple canadian geese smiling canoe burrard bridge by sea and land we prosper Direction Walk 0.06 km or 1 mins north east from last photo Info F 14.0 1/160 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT story of love by Michel Goulet echoes stainless steel Direction Walk 0.35 km or 5 mins north west from last photo Info F 14.0 1/125 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT castle in the city large pile small pile english bay stone man engagement rings Direction Walk 0.6 km or 9 mins north west from last photo Info F 16.0 1/80 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT david oppenheimer mayor of Vancouver Direction Walk 0.09 km or 1 mins north west from last photo Info F 11.0 1/80 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT engagement rings ducks conversation a tree in the sky creepers Direction Walk 0.07 km or 1 mins south east from last photo Info F 10.0 1/50 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT the sundial I mark my hours by shadow mayest thou mark thine by sunshine Direction Walk 0.17 km or 3 mins south east from last photo Info F 10.0 1/160 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT yellow flower of aids memorial vancouver aids memorial aids memorial iron skeleton of a whale Bernar Venet from France the steel skeleton of a whale Direction Walk 0.18 km or 3 mins south east from last photo Info F 14.0 1/60 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT chairs of burrard bridge plot of a love story seat before the bridge michel goulet Echoes in Stainless Steel Vancouver Sculpture Biennale Direction Same location as last photo Info F 16.0 1/50 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT no dog permitted on beach drunk of sunset Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus