bunzen lake hat.netnorth america Vancoolver vancouver nature bunzen lake snow land of bunzen lake forest and snow land misty lake mother and pink child bunzen lake sun dodging behind tree a strip of white on the green hill Info F 8.0 1/125 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT the christmas memorial of a teacher "He was a good swimmer, and the teacher of my child," said a lady with her family. Info F 8.0 1/15 ISO 100 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT calmness of the lake frozen leaves view of the lake snow on tree stump life saver and bunzen lake frozen ground tree tree stumps drowned in the lake a pier and a pair of fishermen chain and snow the hard iron snow frozen leaves tree stump in bunzen lake the lake of quietness wind pointer icy leaves broken into ice a triangle of ice house in the lake the trail in the woods an ice way the walk of ice a dead land of snow the no man land of dead trees misty fairy land frozen lake frozen lake in mist lifeless lake of ice snow feather crystal on bridge snows and crystals dead wood and dead lake the pole pointing at heaven the leaves of winter iceland on the leaves leaves of ice moon the snow way to return fat ice man in bunzen lake skeleton snowman