fountain of light, night of finale firework 2007

Direction Same location as last photo
Location Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Info F 11.0 3.2 ISO 200 with Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Occasion HSBC celebration of light firework finale
Country Canada State British Columbia
City Vancouver Direction parking at pine and barrack
Weather sunny Near space center
Date 2007:08:04 22:01:54 Make Canon
Model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT Width 1412
Height 2040 Flash Off, Did not fire
Focal 44.0 mm Exposure 3.2
F Number 11.0 ISO 200
White Bal. Auto Program Shutter speed priority AE
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 9.50 m
Latitude 49.2781666666667 Longitude -123.148333333333
Altitude 100592.3047 m File Size 1345 kB
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